A few hours of yardwork can lead to several days of sore knees, back pain a 'crick' in my neck, and hands that ache and won't respond to normal directions from my brain.
I know that all those things come with advancing age. But what about the effects of my cancer and cancer meds? According to my doctors (more than one) the pains don't have much to do with the cancer - yet. As a matter of fact my urologist told me, "What do you expect; you're 69 years old!" He always manages to say something to make me feel better (or not).
My day is usually better if I start off in the hot tub, walk a couple miles, and limit strenuous labor (involvling hammers and saws and chain saws and hauling fireplace wood) to a few hours a day - and not every day, That way I can better manage my pains such as sore knees, back pain a 'crick' in my neck, and hands that ache .
Feeling pain tells me I'm still alive - and most of the time that's a good thing.