In the past several months two old (with prostate cancer the 'old' part goes without saying) friends who underwent treatment five and eight years ago discovered that their PSA had started rising again. In fact their PSA had doubled every several months for quite a while. Both thought they were cured. For years their PSA had been near zero. They were sure they were cured.
When confronted with 'recurrence' they were understandably devastated. This happens to thousands of men every year - recurrence after five or ten or more years of being cancer free.
Being diagnosed with prostate cancer 'again' can be more emotionally difficult than being diagnosed the first time.
"It can't be happening again!"
"It must be a mistake!"
"I'm going to check with another doctor - one who will get it right!"
"I'm sure it will be OK when I get re-tested next month."
"OMG, I'm gonna die!!"
What can You Do?
First of all, stay calm. In the world of prostate cancer there is usually no reason to hurry up and take action. There are many treatments and the options vary depending on what treatment or treatments you had originally. Surgery or radiation or radioactive seeds might be options if they were not done previously. Hormone therapy may be appropriate. Or maybe your oncologist will recommend watchful waiting - at least for a while. There is bound to be SOMETHING you and your doctor can agree on. Don't panic. Don't rush to do something before you think it through. Keeping a positive attitude (not always easy) may be the best therapy of all.
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