Saturday, August 28, 2010

Little Things are becoming More Important

Or it could be that’s all the energy I’ve got…

Maybe it’s just my senility kicking in but I’ve noticed that a lot of the good things in my life are really pretty simple and basic.

I’m probably getting a little more simple, too of course. In addition to my worldwide adventurous life (in my fantasies, anyway) I find that I enjoy:

  • Taking a long walk with my wife (and maybe a dog or grandkid or friend from time to time)
  • Sitting in the hot tub and sipping a hot mug of coffee at six in the A.M.
  • Petting my pesky cat while she’s snoozing on my lap and I’m watching TV
  • Nodding off in the recliner for an afternoon catnap – which doesn’t happen nearly enough
  • Reading a trashy detective novel for a couple of hours of brain dead time

We still spend time with kids and grandkids, travel, go to concerts, jeep through the desert, and camp out in the mountains – we enjoy every minute of it. But the everyday low key activities (or non-activities) are probably just as enjoyable – and a whole lot cheaper. That’s got to be an upside to getting older.


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