Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombings--April 15, 2013

I have been a lifelong marathon runner, including the Boston Marathon in 1981. Boston is the Super Bowl of Marathons. Everyone wants to run there and be able to tell everyone they "Ran Boston."

A "Man Made" tragedy is the last thing you'd expect at a celebratory event like this. It is difficult to understand why somebody or some group would want to do something so horrific. Terrorism is common around the world and in the U.S. It has become a part of our life--mostly from afar, but sometimes, like this, up close.

We all want to protect our kids, grandkids, and extended family--but we can't--not totally. We have to live our lives in spite of all the dangers. Some things we can control a little--our health, our habits, where we live, etc. But we have to live our lives in spite of the risks and dangers. We can't control what goes on in the minds of some really sick and evil people.

I mourn for those who were killed, wish the wounded a quick recovery, and share my concern for all the families and friends affected by this horrible event.


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