Monday, January 5, 2015

Preventing Cancer: How Hard Can It Be?

Maybe a lot harder than you think!
For many years we have believed that genetics and lifestyle factors were the major cause of our cancers. We all know that we should NOT smoke, we should NOT get too much sun, we SHOULD exercise, and we SHOULD manage our weight. These are proven ways to help prevent some cancers. So if we do these things we are unlikely to get cancer, right? Well, not exactly. It turns out that about two-thirds of all cancer is caused by plain old Bad Luck, according to:

A study published in the January 2, 2014 issue of SCIENCE magazine came to that conclusion. Johns Hopkins University researchers statistically analyzed the genesis of common cancers based on stem cell divisions of 31 cell types. Of the millions of stem cell divisions in the human body, a small percentage are disparate, or do not divide correctly. According to the researchers, the majority of cancers are caused by “random mutations arising during DNA replication in normal, noncancerous stem cells.” Of course, many mutations do not lead to cancer‑‑ but some do.

This sounds a little discouraging but one of the researchers, Christian Tomasetti, further said: “If two-thirds of cancer incidence across tissues is explained by random DNA mutations that occur when stem cells divide, then changing our lifestyle and habits will be a huge help in preventing certain cancers, but this may not be as effective for a variety of others.” (Basically, keep on keeping on and it will help some) The cancers they identified that were influenced by lifestyle factors include colon, lung, and skin (no surprises here).
An important conclusion of this study is that there has to be a greater scientific emphasis on early detection.

Disclaimer 1: Some scientists dispute this conclusion. Watch for further developments
Disclaimer 2: Prostate and breast cancer were not included in the study. The researchers did not find a consistent rate of stem cell division. Maybe in the next study…
Disclaimer 3: I am not suggesting that because “life ain’t fair” we should blandly accept our fates. To quote Dylan Thomas, “Do not go gently into that good night.”

Bottom Line
Cancer sucks, it is sneaky and devious, and while our doctors and scientists search for answers, we can live the best, most active, most rewarding, and most loving life possible. Research like this tells us how far we have to go. Life is an unpredictable mystery and that’s just as it should be.


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