Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Do Not Go Gently—

But DO go as much, as far, and as often as you can…
Both Carol and I vastly overused the medical system in January and February. It seems we had more than our share of medical maladies, slow recoveries, new pills, multiple tests, and it went on and on… We normally head south in early February to soak up some desert sun while the rain dominates our home in Oregon. This year we got away a month late, which is better than not leaving at all, and we have been basking in the Arizona sun for about a month now. We left the day after the last doctor gave us the last OK (or what we interpreted as an OK).

We are healthy, relaxed, tan, active, and have seen nary a doctor, clinic, or hospital in a while. Hooray! Of course, like so many of our friends, our life seems to revolve around the regular medical appointments we have for blood tests, med updates, exams, and the odd x-ray and scan. We accept that as part of our long term survival plan.

It’s those dratted unplanned health events that mess up our schedule. You can’t actually plan to get the flu a week from Tuesday, twist your ankle the day after the grandkids go home, or slip on the ice next month. All these things can, and do, happen whenever they jolly well please.

We are getting more stubborn (if that’s possible) about doing what we want, when we want, and finding ways to shortcut those medical procedures and that time consuming healing process. For example, we have learned to remove stitches (actually pretty simple) and perform other medical procedures that might otherwise keep us close to home. We haven’t mastered brain surgery yet, but never say never… 

As more and more health challenges can (and do) occur, it takes more and more planning to do what we need to stay alive and mostly healthy and at the same time live our life our way. So far so good, but it can sometimes require a bit of diabolical plotting. Isn’t life supposed to be challenging, exciting, and interesting?


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