Monday, May 23, 2011

OMG—something to make Me Feel even Older

And I’ve even got old kids to prove it

My oldest son turns 48 this week. That’s good. He’s healthy, successful, and still keeps in touch with his elderly parents. All five kids are over 40 and then there are five teen-aged grandkids (and one mere babe). All this is good.

When I turned 70 I did a quick inventory of my aches and pains (there were more than a few) and determined that, in fact, I was getting older and more decrepit. But in my mind I was still 30. As the kids get older and older it’s hard to claim 30 or 40 or 50 or even 60.

I feel my true age more days in a week or a month than I used to. I have more side effects from those ever-increasing prescription strengths. I’m still alive, so all this is good, too.

Bottom line‑‑I guess I’ll have to come to terms with being young at heart, ancient of body, and the elder in my family (not as prestigious as in past generations). And I’m getting used to all those gray-haired kids of mine (at least in those who have hair).


1 comment:

SeanAx said...

Oh sure, tell the world I'm turning 48. All this time, I've convince everyone I'm a mere 44.