Sunday, May 31, 2009

Positive Attitudes - Bah Humbug

I keep running into guys with prostate cancer - I actually seek them out. My mercenary side tries to sell them a book or two. My warm and fuzzy side wants to share information on the secrets of survival.

To a man, they seem genuinely optimistic. "I'm figuring they'll find some better treatments in a year or two." "I feel better than I did six months ago!" "I'm not dead yet!"

I've even noticed subtle changes in my own skeptical, curmudgeonly life style. For a couple of years now I've made an effort to reconnect with old friends I hadn't seen in 20 or 30 years - or even more. The reunions have been great - even a little emotional sometimes. And, a high percentage of those old geezers have prostate cancer or some other cancer. Nobody ever complained; just shared. Maybe that cup is half full after all.


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