Well, that's more my wife's rule than mine, but there is this mindset that as time gets shorter you hurry faster to get it all (whatever all means) done.
This summer we needed a new roof over the back deck and new siding on the house. You'd think that your average decrepit, sickly, elderly couple could find a younger and smarter and stronger handyman (or handywoman) eager for the job. After a brief (very brief) discussion we decided that we could easily do it by ourselves over the course of the summer. How hard could it be? And we'd save a bundle of money!
But the real reason we choose to do it may have more to do with that dratted work ethic instilled in us by our depression-era parents and grandparents. Hard work is good for the soul! Even though it may not be so good for the rest of the body.
It took two or three weeks to complete most of the work and probably double that to heal. Next comes the painting - yup, we're doing that part, too. At least paint is less dangerous than skill saws, electric drills, and hammers - if you don't inhale too often. And there IS that feeling of satisfaction, impressing the neighbors, and owning the family bragging rights; "Look what WE did during our summer vacation!" Nobody seems all that impressed and a few brave souls even asked why on earth we didn't get somebody else to do it.
I've noticed that quite a few of our geezer friends, some of them in much worse health than we are, still feel the need and obligation to do all their own repairs and building and painting and mechanical work. Maybe we'll make a smarter decision next time - but not likely.
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