Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Most Unpleasant Side Effects

…Still Slightly Better Than Being Dead

I routinely complain about the side effects from my surgery, radiation, and medications. But the fact is I am more than willing to endure the fatigue, weight gain, strange growths, hot flashes, and pain – as long as I can stay vertical or at least above ground. Surviving trumps lots of other stuff; no matter what others may tell you.

Time, research, and improved medications are resulting in fewer side effects – or so I’m told by highly educated medical practitioners. At the present time I’m still alive and more or less able to lead a normal life. Normal for an old duffer anyway... And I can use my current side effects as an excuse to avoid working in the garden and cleaning out the gutters (please don’t tell my wife).

I’m betting that all my elderly friends who bemoan the strange side effects they’re coping with wouldn’t trade those side effects for a pine box – just yet. Senior life, living with incurable diseases, and normal wear and tear requires choices and compromises – and a little hell-raising if you’re lucky. I am.


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