Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It’s Just like Herding Cats

My experience with the latest and greatest prostate cancer clinical trial

When I use the term ‘prostate cancer clinical trial’ you probably immediately have visions of old men taking exotic pills, getting strange injections, donating copious quantities of blood and other fluids, having full body X-rays, and tolerating invasive body probes.

Not so - this one is different.

A group of men with incurable prostate cancer and their wives (who do NOT have prostate cancer) were invited to participate in a six month twice weekly closely monitored strength training class. Including my wife and me, there are 20 in each class and husbands and wives work as a team (what an original concept) doing a series of simple but challenging strength building and stretching exercises. The plan is to get stronger, fitter, and ultimately live longer - maybe even save marriages.

The idea of husband and wife working together (a long shot at best) is supposed to increase the possibility of continuing the exercises when the program is completed.

Of course getting 20 old duffers to do anything as a group and stay focused isn’t easy and the instructors/experimenters have their hands full. It’s a lot like, well, herding cats.


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