Monday, November 12, 2012

Not Me--Just Get Some Results

Here I go again...

I read an article recently which pointed out that 20 percent of adult cancer patients in Great Britain participate in cancer clinical trials. The author was bemoaning the fact that the number wasn't higher. Most oncologists would be more than pleased with a 20 percent participation rate. We know that as many as 80 percent of young cancer patients (21 and younger) in the U.S. participate in clinical trials. But, still, only three to five percent of adults with cancer in the U.S. ever take part in a clinical trial.

I'm sure everybody who chooses not to participate has reasons that make sense to them.

A trial takes too much of my time, the distance to the trial center is too far, it probably wouldn't do me any good and I might even die sooner, I'd just be helping to make the pharmaceutical company richer, I'd be the one to get the sugar pill, and many many more beliefs and thoughts. Some of them might be accurate. Some of them merely myths.

Many trials that might possibly be beneficial are never conducted because of lack of volunteers. Others end up with unclear results because the number of participants is not large enough to conclusively prove whether or not the drug is effective or more effective than current standard treatments.

In my 10th year of prostate cancer I have a vested interest in trial results--as do 12 million other Americans with cancer. Somehow we need to make sure that everybody who could benefit, might benefit, or has no other options at least knows about clinical trial options. There are no promises and no guarantees but it might just be the best (or only) option for you.


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