Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's New in Prostate Cancer?

The latest controversy in Prostate Cancer is whether or not men should even be tested - particularly using the PSA test. Recent published studies suggest that PSA testing is not all that accurate and may lead to unneeded treatment and the risk of serious side effects such as incontinence and impotence. And, the studies suggest, diagnosis and treatment may not extend your life anyway.

It is true that treatment (surgery, radiation, freezing, radioactive seeds) can lead to serious side effects. Most men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die from prostate cancer. So is there any benefit in being diagnosed?

Being tested and/or diagnosed gives you some choices. You can always choose NOT to have treatment, but you might also choose to change your lifestyle, try a different diet, or look for alternative treatments.

Every man has to decide whether or not to be tested. It would be nice to know ahead of time whether you were at risk for a fast-growing tumor or if you would likely not even need treatment (watch and wait). If your father or brother has prostate cancer your risk is higher. If you are African American your risk is higher.

I was diagnosed with a fast growing tumor and had it removed. My cancer came back but I'm still alive. For me it was better to know and have a choice. I believe that I'm alive today because I had treatment. I have been able to manage my condition with medication, diet, weight management, and by remaining active. So far so good.

What do you think? Write a response.

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