Saturday, July 11, 2009

Don't Read the Fine Print!!

Like many of you, I've been taking several medications to "manage" my prostate cancer for a while now. There are dozens of drugs in several categories that are supposed to slow prostate cancer growth in strange and unique ways. That's old news.

If you have a slightly perverse mind - like me - spend an entertaining half hour googling your meds and checking out the Side Effects section (sometimes called contraindications). No matter what the drug, there will be a list of possible side effects as long as your arm - it's required by law.

After reading about the possibility of hot flashes, constipation, incontinence, diarrhea, cramps, swelling, headaches, weight gain, memory loss, and impaired vision it seems I might be better off with the cancer than the side effects! My oncologist says different but HE isn't taking my pills. But to tell it like it is, I haven't actually experienced MOST of the possible side effects.

So, I have decided (for now) to ignore those lists until I actually experience a contraindication or two.

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