Just after I found out my prostate cancer had 'recurred' after the surgery to end all surgeries and cure me forever, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. Why me? It's not fair! I'm going to die a horrible death! My urologist didn't seem so upset. I was just one of 50,000 American men who was diagnosed with recurrent prostate cancer every year. 
He told me, "Don't worry, you'll probably get hit by a bus before your prostate cancer kills you." Somehow that was reassuring. Nobody knows what will happen next. I actually could get hit by a bus tomorrow or I might live to 97. Men with prostate cancer die every day of all sorts of reasons other than prostate cancer. And most men with prostate cancer survive every day.
All I can do is get up every morning and do something I want to do and then repeat the process tomorrow morning. Easier said than done, but my level of anxiety is much reduced over these six years even though I still have prostate cancer and it is relentlessly, but slowly, progressing.
So I do what I can, try not to worry about what I can't control, and I stay far away from rogue busses. So far - so good!
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